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Kelitsadi Lake is located in Kazbegi Municipality, at 3081 above sea level. It is one of the highest located lakes in Georgia. If you love wild, untouched nature and not afraid of difficulties, then this route is for you. The lake is located at 3081 meters above sea level, on the keli highland. Getting here is just possible by foot. No one dares to go there by horseback. This is why the lake is the wildest and untouched.
You can get to Kelitsadi lake with several ways. However the easiest and most popular route is from Truso valley.
Hiking start from the Truso valley. You hike to the volcano plateau of the Khorisar where you can enjoy a beautiful wild camping place with a huge straight field and a blooming grass. Water is not a problem because the little river flows in this place. The river goes out in August, however you can still find water at the bottom of the ridge where there is a shepherd’s home
Now you will start the climbing on the Khorisari pass, which is one of the most difficult passes in Georgia. Its height reaches 3550 meters, which is 150 meters higher than the Atsunta Pass. You should ascend another 200 meter in order to get to the peak of the Khorisari. If you are lucky to have good weather, you must climb to the peak and look at the world from 3756 meters. From the peak you are able to see lake Kelitsadi, mountain resort Gudauri, peak Deda Ena, peak Sherkhota, peak Mkinvartsveri and lot of beautiful places.
It's about 2 hours walking away from the pass to the lake, but it is quite dangerous for you to be in the fog and in the white Aragvi gorge. It is recommended to use the GPS device to control the location. There is a good camping place at the lake. The only water source is the lake itself.
In winter and spring Kelitsadi lake is frozen and covered with snow. It starts melting in June and totally melts in August and September. Near the lake are located mountain Serkhota (3701m) and Khorisari (3736m). The river Tetri Aragvi (White Aragvi) starts from the lake Kelitsadi.
The trail starts in the gorgeous Truso gorge. Here you will start hiking, ascend the Khorisari plateau where you will find wonderful flat field. It is not difficult to find the water, however late in summer and in autumn it could be a problem.
From this point, you start to ascend Khorisari pass. The pass it at the 3550 MSL and is 50 meters higher than Atsunta pass. The peak of the Khorisari is 200 meters higher from the pass and if you are fortunate to have good weather you should definitely make an afford and ascend to the peak. You will see the wonderful surrounding from the 3756 MSL. From the peak, you can see Kelitsadi lake, Gudauri, peak Dedaena, peak Sherkhota, mountain Kazbegi and other beautiful places.
From the pass there is 2 hours hiking distance to the lake, however, the trail is difficult and technical. During the mist, you might get lost and find yourself in the gorge of Tetri Aragvi. It is crucial to use GPS device in order to keep an eye on your location.
There is a very good camping place near the lake. During the nine months in a year, the lake is covered with ice. During August and September, the only source of the water is the lake itself.
On this day you are descending to the Truso gorge with the different trail. Before you start your descent you may ascend mountain Sherkhota which is located next to the lake. If you want to ascend Sherkhota you should get up early as it is difficult and you can’t make it in 1 or 2 hours. On the way back trail descends into the different gorge and ends at the village Ketrisi. You should use GPS Device to find the trail back.
You can get to the starting point with any kind of vehicle, however, you will need a vehicle with higher clearance at the end of the trail as it ends deep in the gorge at village Ketrisi and the road is not in good condition.
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