A Guide to Discovering Uflistsikhe
Cave Town - Uflistsikhe
Among the cave-towns of Georgia Uflistsikhe is one of the popular tourist destinations in Georgia. Uflistsikhe, as Vardzia and Davit Gareji, is the evidence that yet in the ancient time there were fortified cities. Uplistsikhe is situated on the left Bank of River Mtkvari.
The name of Uplistsikhe is ascribed to Uplos, who was the tribal leader of Kartlosi. He owned the religious autonomy, and because of it, Uplistsikhe was a significant pagan religious center.
A path to Uplistskhe
Close your eyes and imagine that you’re standing over the crossroads of different cultures. If you step forward, you’ll start stepping into the old time, pointing that you are ready to cross the door of Uplistikhe.
As you start going up and up, your desire not to stop walking increases. At first, you follow the footstep of the stair, and then you walk slowly directed to Central Magistrate Street. You try to imagine the daily routine of the ancient people, who managed to make this cave-city by their hands. In every corner of the city, there are signs which will help you to travel backward in time, and investigate in what part you’re in the city.
Uflistsikhe, considered as a heart of the Caucasia, is the place where were the ancient settlements. This cave-town looks at environs of Uplistsikhe and River Mtkvari from above, which divides the region into completely different parts. You can see different kind of halls, which point to the wealth of the city. These halls are cut along the streets. It is a fantastic experience to explore each hall. Every hall had its particular architectural design, differing from the others.
On the way, you’ll be able to discover wine-cellars and wine presses. The vessels are the evidence that the viticulture was highly developed in the ancient time.
It isn’t all, there is also a secret tunnel in the city. This tunnel is near to the inner city, and it’s connected to the River Mtkvari.
Finally, walking around the city is a good and memorable experience for you. And if you decide to travel without a guide, maybe a dog who walks in the city lonely might be your devoted guide or member of your group while walking in the city. Who knows?
1.30 Or 2 hours is quite enough to see almost everything in Uflistikhe.
Tip For You:
If you decide to see the tunnel, it’s better to see it as a final point. This tunnel is near to the exit of the city. Therefore, this tip will save your time.
Is there any transport going to Uflistsikhe?
Unfortunately, the direct transport facility doesn’t exist to get to Upliscikhe. From Didube Station there might be a transport going to Qvakhvreli, a little village, from where you can get to Uflistsikhe in about 20 minutes. But check this information, before going there.
You can go to Uflistsikhe directed to Mtskheta: Mtskheta, Armazi, Kavtiskhevi, and Qvakhvreli. It takes about 1 hour and 50 minutes to get to Uflistsikhe.
And another way back looks like that: going to Gori, which is approximately 10 Km away from Uplistsikhe. It takes more or less 2 hours to get to Tbilisi from Gori. Overall, both ways take almost the same hours for traveling. And so, if don’t like monotonous trips then traveling by these ways will not leave you disappointed.
Working hours and entrance
If you plan to visit Uflistsikhe in the period of 1 November- 1 April then opening hours will be 10 AM – 6 PM. In the period of 1 April – 1 November you can visit Uflistsikhe 10 AM- 5 PM.
Ticket Price:
Adults – 7 Gel
School children, Students – 1 Gel
Guide Service – 25 Gel
Audio Guide – 10 Gel
Free admission will be for the children are under 6.
Where to Eat in Uflistsikhe
There isn’t a wide range of places for eating, but you can still find something convenient for you. There are around two or three cafes in Uflistsikhe. If you pay for the ticket, then you can eat at café that is located inside the entrance. Another café is outside the entrance which is near to nature. It’s good to eat at that café because you can find yourself in an area that is covered by trees.
If you like picnics, there are some options for you as well. Near to nature, there are tables and the long benches. It’s a good choice if you have food with you. In a nutshell, there are many options not be hungry at the end of the day.
Museum in Uflistikhe
If you love being at museums, there is a one for you. After you pay for the ticket price, you can visit the museum too. This museum collects the things, which were discovered in Uflistsikhe and there are also photos which will give you more information almost about everything. Beside this, you can watch a short movie about Uflistsikhe in Georgian, with English subtitles.
There are two toilets. One is inside the entrance, and you don’t pay for it. The other one is near to the entrance, the price is 0.50 Gel.
I hope this blog post will give you all the necessary information about Uflistsikhe. If you have any question, feel free to comment below, and we’ll try to respond you as soon as we see it.
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