Tsachkhuroba Festival
Tsachkhuroba festival is celebrated every year, in the church of the Archangel in the village of Tsachkhuri, Martvili Municipality, Samegrelo, on Thursday of the Holy Week. On the site of today's church, the church of the 7th-century was situated, although only the renovated 18th-century church has survived. The couples from all over Georgia, who don't have children, visit the Archangel Church on Tsakhkhuroba and ask for mercy from the icon of Archangel of Tsachkhuru. The worshippers bring small cradles (sometimes with a doll in them) to the church.
On the feast of Tsachkhuroba, a special service is held for the childless couples, they are mentioned in prayers and then, they receive a sacrament. In addition to the suppliants, many grateful people visit the temple on this day. It is known, that Tsachkhuroba is based on a pagan holiday, which later merged with Christianity with minor modifications. In the village of Tsachkhuri, every family has a special supper on the holiday. Everyone can enter any yard and attend the feast. It is believed that the grace will flow to the family that hosts more guests. Tsachkhuroba is one of the most interesting and distinctive holidays in Georgia, which has survived to the present day. It has traces of pre-Christian culture, adapted and combined with Christianity.
To attend this event, see the Tsachkhuroba Festival's tours.
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