Mount Kazbek 67302880_3004476586290030_422123 Mount Kazbek Tourist Shelter მყინვარწვერი mount kazbek 67394008_3004476059623416_995727 Mount Kazbek, Tourist Shelter

About Tour to Mount Kazbek (Mkinvartsveri)

Best time to visit: June, July, August, September

If climbing Mount Kazbek is your dream, get ready for an unforgettable summer adventure! Start preparing for the glacier.

Mount Kazbek is a very popular glacier not only in Georgia but all over the world, which is visited by many people in summer. Beautiful panoramic views, the Caucasus Mountains seen from a height of 5054 meters, sunrise and infinite space cause amazing emotions.

Tour to Mount Kazbek lasts for 7 days starting from Tbilisi or Kutaisi. The tour price includes guide service.

You can choose additional services from the ones listed below.

If you do not have the equipment we will help you rent it in Kazbegi or Tbilisi.



Day 1

From Tbilisi or Kutaisi we travel in the direction of Kazbegi where we stay overnight in a hotel or tent (optional).
We pack the necessary equipment and prepare for the next day hike.


Day 2

The next day we wake up and head to the campsite "Sabertse". We have to walk 6 kilometers to the camp and climb to a height of 950 meters. The camp is located at 3000 meters above sea level.


Day 3

In the morning we will hike to Bethlehem hut. This day is quite simple. The trail leads from Saberts to the hut of Bethlehem and is only 3.5 kilometers long. However, we have to walk on the ice for the last 1.5 kilometers and we may need to use the lane. Bethlehem hut is located at 3650 meters above sea level and therefore we will have to climb 650 meters the next day.


Day 4: Acclimatization

The fourth day is the day of acclimatization. For acclimatization we go to Bethlehem Church, which is located at 3900 meters above sea level. The trail from the church continues to the right and climbs up to 4000 meters. After acclimatization, we will recall the rules of standing in a rope, the use of icebreakers and other mining equipment, and wait until we reach the top.


Day 5: Mount Kazbeg

We will start to climb the glacier at 2 o'clock in the morning, pass the noise, cracks and move to the saddle from where we are very close to the glacier. After climbing the glacier we will take many beautiful photos, enjoy the beautiful views and start accessing them. It will take an average of 8 hours to get there and 6 hours to get there. On this day we have to walk a total of 13 km to the top and back.


Day 6

This day we have a backup day if the weather got worse the day before, or we just couldn’t climb the peak.


Day 7

On this day we will go from Meteo to Kazbegi from where we will leave in the direction of Tbilisi / Kutaisi.

Tags: #Adventure Tour #Commercial offer

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+995 598 506****
Duration: 7 days
Total distance: 30 km
Difficulty: Hard
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Emily Bushell
Emily Bushell

My friend and I are interested in climbing Mount Kazbek. We are in Georgia from the 4th August and we would like to know more information about the tour.

What dates are available?
Does the tour price include equipment rental?
What is the accommodation like on the mountain?\


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