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About Ushguli
Ushguli- the community in Zemo Svaneti, Mestia municipality. It comprises 4 villages: Jibiani, Chvibiani, Murkmeli, Chajashi (the community center).
Ushguli is located at the bottom of Shkhara, near the estuary of Enguri and Shavtskala-Kvishara rivers. The altitude of Ushguli community varies from 2060 to 2200 metres. According to these statistics , Ushguli was considered to be the highest settlement until 2014. But in census of 2014 in the village Bochorna Akhmeta municipality, only one permanent inhabitant was recorded. After that Bochorna became Europe’s highest settlement. Ushguli is connected to Mestia and Lentekhi with roads having intrastate importance. The road which connects Ushguli to Lentekhi passes through the Ughviri Pass, which is open only for three months in a year, the rest of the time it is covered with snow. In the area where Ushguli is located, there is a high risk of avalanche. In 1987, because of the great avalanche, locals became the ecomigrants, most of them migrated to Kvemo Kartli. Nowadays approximately 70 household leave in the community. Close to Ushguli in the beginnings of Enguri flows the mineral water.
Ushguli has been cut off from the rest of Svaneti due to its natural location. Even moving to the nearest community, Kala, which is 7 kilometers away, was quite a challenge. In the memory of the people, there is a legend about the Structure of Devi (In Georgian mythology, Devi is many-headed ogres whose heads can regenerate if any of them are cut off, these malevolent giants live in the underworld or remote mountains) is a rock, which, according to the legend, closed the Enguri valley and flooded the village. To avoid a catastrophe, two rams were thrown from Ushguli and Kala, which hit the rock from opposite angles and destroyed it.
The etymology of Ushguli is connected with "fearless heart". Historically, Ushguli was a community without a ruler. 7 noblemen wishing to rule in Ushguli were killed. The last among them was Futa Dadeshkeliani, who was killed by the whole village in Ushguli Lamaria. Ushguli represented the residence of the Farjanian-Vardanisdze-Marushians of the Svani nobility. After the collapse of United Svaneti, Ushguli was part of the so-called "Free Svaneti", but until recently (1810) was part of the Kingdom of Imereti (along with Racha). The Ushguli community has repelled several traitors throughout its history, including Futa Dadeshkeliani (second half of the 17th century). Remains of one of the largest fortresses in Svaneti (XII-XIII centuries) associated with the name of Queen Tamar are preserved in Ushguli; Residential, agricultural and religious buildings (including 37 towers); Signs of the nobility - scepter and chair. Ushguli has currently declared a reserve.
One of the villages of Ushguli community, Chajashi, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Typical Svan defensive towers are common here. Their number is currently up to 30.
Sights of Ushguli are:
• Ushguli Archaeological Museum
• Queen Tamar Summer and Watermelon Towers. Summer towers were dismantled in the 1950s and used as a farm building material.
• Church of the Savior - in the village of Murkmeli, Church of St. Barbara - in the village of Murkmeli
• Savior Church - in the village of Chvibiani
• Savior Church - in the village of Zhibiani
• St. George Church - in the village of Zhibiani
• Church of the Savior - in the village of Chajashi
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მოგესალმებით. დრო დამოკიდებულია გზის მდგომარეობაზე, თუმცა ჯამში საათნახევრიდან ორ საათამდეა საჭიო მესტიიდან უშგულამდე მისასვლელად.
მაინტერესებს თბილისიდან (ქუთაისიდან მაინც) თუ გადის რაიმე ტრანსპორტი უშგულამდე? რამდენად ღირს გაზაფხულის პერიოდში რამდენიმე დღიანი ლაშქრობის მოწყობა (კარვებით)?
მოგესალმებით. პირდაპირ ამ ეტაპზე არცერთი ტრანსპორტი არ მიდის უშგულის მიმართულებით. თბილისიდან გადიან სამარშუტო ტაქსები მესტიის მიმართულებით ყოველდღე სამგორის ავტოსადგურიდან და ოქროს ბირჯის წინ რომ ავტოსადგურია მაქედან. გასვლა არის ხოლმე 7ის ნახევრიდან. ასევე მესტიაში მიდიან სამარშრუტო ტაქსები ქუთაისიდან და ზუგიდიდდან. მესტიაში ჩასვლის შემდეგ შეგიძლიათ დელიკით ან ჯიპით წახვიდეთ უშგულის მიმართულებით. მესტიიდან უშგულის მიმართულებით სამარშრუტო ტაქსები მხოლოდ ზაფხულში დადიან ხოლმე. რაც შეეხება ლაშქრობას. მაგალითად აპრილის მეორე ნახევარში კვლავ თოვლია ყველა სალაშქრო ბილიკზე და ლაშქრობას არ გირჩევთ. სვანეთში სალაშქროდ საუკეთესო პერიოდია ივნისის ბოლოდან სექტემბრის ბოლომდე.