Ski Resorts of Georgia
Because of the diversity of landscapes and climate, Georgia is rich for its ski resorts. There are five mountain ski resorts located in four different places. Each resort is different from one another by its size, duration of the season, quality of snow and infrastructure.
Every one of them has its positive and negative sides, and therefore, it’s sometimes so hard to make the best decision while choosing the ski resort.
We’ll try to show you both sides of the resorts, which will guide you to choose the best option from them.
1. Ski Resorts of Svaneti

Tetnuldi Ski Resort
Tetnuldi is located near to Mestia which is a good place because of the good quality of snow and the duration of the winter season. The infrastructure is developed in that place, where you can enjoy the ride with ski lifts. Besides this, Tetnuldi ski resort offers ski track which is the longest in the whole Transcaucasia.
The main negative side is that it’s impossible to go to Tetnuldi by walking from Mestia. So, if you want to reach Tetnuldi, you should have your own car or hire an automobile, which is not a cheap decision.
If you’re a beginner skier the ski tracks of Tetnuldi is appropriate for you because there are many accessible ski tracks. If you’re an expert and love to free ride, Tetnuldi is the right place for you also. However, the ski tracks aren’t difficult, and most of them are for intermediate level skiers.

Hatsvali Ski Resort
Hatsvali ski resort is located near to Mestia as well as Tetnuldi. You can enjoy the beautiful views of Svaneti from Hatsvali. If you love looking at the wonderful views, you’ll have the chance to be pleased with the breathtaking views. A very small cozy and cute café “Zuruldi” is located at Hatsvali. The main positive side of Zuruldi is that you’ll be able to go to Zuruldi by ski lifts from Mestia. If you love to ski in the forest, Hatsvali is a great destination for it.
The ski tracks are the perfect opportunity for you if you’re a beginner skier. There is a small Bigel type of ski lift, which means that the infrastructure is developed at the resort. And, sometimes you can enjoy night skiing at Hatsvali, that will make your whole holiday fun and memorable.
The duration of seasons is long at the ski resorts of Svaneti. You’ll have a wide range of alternatives because there are many cheap and expensive hotels to stay in Mestia. The main priority of Svaneti is that the quality of life is improved at the resorts and you’ll have many opportunities to choose the place for eating also.
So, if you have a minimum of 1 week you can make your holiday more enjoyable in Svaneti. If you take into consideration that life is not expensive in Svaneti, which is a tourist destination, you can spend your time and be the happiest person in that case. And so, if the good quality of snow is significant for you and these conditions are in your interests, may you find your holiday as a magical experience.

2. Goderdzi Ski Resort
Goderdzi ski resort stands out from other resorts because of its fewer guests. Sometimes it’s quite possible to be the only one at the ski tracks. Actually, it’s one of the major positive sides, the ski tracks are always crowded at other ski resorts. If you love to free ride and ski in the forest, Goderdzi is a convenient place for it. In Goderdzi always snows, because of its close location to Black Sea and snow is good quality. However, there are more ski tracks for intermediate skiers, and it’ll be hard to find the difficult ski tracks at Goderdzi. The hotels and cottages are closely set at the ski tracks, and you won’t need to spend money on transportation.
Goderzi hasn’t developed infrastructure and offers fewer places for staying. Therefore, if you decide to spend New Year’s Eve in Goderdzi, you should book your places two months earlier. You’ll have fewer opportunities for making your time fun because there is only one active restaurant at the resort. The few places for staying, fewer activities for amusement and the long distance of the resort from the capital are the main disadvantages of Goderdzi.
But, if you have minimum 1 week for your holiday, love peaceful and cozy destinations, like to ski and don’t have many requirements, you can make your time unforgettable with your friends at Goderdzi.

3. Bakuriani - Mitarbi Ski Resorts
Bakuriani is special for its diversity of ski tracks. The infrastructure is developed, and there are a lot of fun activities. The positive side is that you can’t be bored with being there because you can go to ice skating rink, restaurants, and parks. You can enjoy the snowboarding, skiing, riding sleds and snow scooters. So, if you want to spend your time with family members and children, Bakuriani is an ideal place for it as there are many kinds of activities. It takes around 3 hours to go to Bakuriani, and it’s recommended to stay there a minimum for two days.
Bakuriani has many disadvantages alongside with many positive sides. The poor quality and quantity of snow, awful and crowded ski tracks, are the main disadvantages which may be the important elements for you. There are always many people at Didveli ski tracks, and it may be exhausting to ski in those conditions. Hotels are close to ski tracks. However, Bakuriani is a big ski resort, and you’ll need to have your own car or at least to rent one which isn’t a cheap option.
If you want to have a diversity of opportunities, want to spend the holiday with a family and don’t have enough time, you may prepare for going to Bakuriani.

4. Gudauri Ski Resort
The major advantage of Gudauri is the closest location from Tbilisi. You’ll need about 1 hour and 30 minutes to reach Gudauri. So, you can start your journey in the morning and go back to Tbilisi in the evening. There are many ski lifts and ski tracks in Gudauri. But, if you love to free ride, Gudauri isn’t the right place for you.
The prices at hotels and in restaurants are the highest. There are no public toilets in Gudauri, and if you find one, it won’t be in a good situation. Gudauri hosts many guests, and you may need to wait in the lines to enjoy the ski lifts. At the weekends the snow quality is very poor because a lot of people go in that period. Actually, it’ll be hard to enjoy skiing after 12:00 PM. Unfortunately, there are no more activities than skiing in Gudauri.
Overall, if you are in Tbilisi and want to take a short break from the city life, would like to enjoy skiing at the weekends, Gudauri is an appropriate ski resort for you.
If you want to have an unforgettable holiday at the ski resort, take this advice into consideration, and you’ll have the most dreamlike experience in Georgia. We hope you enjoy your time at the ski resorts of Georgia.
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