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The classical tour to the peak of Mountain Kazbeg takes 5 days, however often traveller add one extra day as the reserve for the bad weather. The track which is shown was recorded in 2018 year. Take in mind that glacier changes year to year. Please remember mountain Kabzeg does not like solo travellers. Ascend with the group, connect yourself to the group by the rope if you don't want to end your life into the crevasse.
This is not the hiking trail and experienced guide, who will look after your safety, is necessary. in order to hire the guide contact us.
For additional information please find the page of Mkinvartsveri.
The trail starts from Gergeti holy trinity church in Kazbegi municipality, it heads to the west. First-day distance is short. 6 km from Gergeti holy trinity church you will come to the campsite Sabertse where you can stay for overnight. The campsite is at 3000 MSL. During the first day, you will ascend 650 meters and cover 6km.
The second days is easier. The trail heads to the Betlemi shelter. The distance is 3.5 km and 1.5 km out of it is on the glacier and you might have to use the crampons. You can get to the Betlemi hut during the first day, however, it is better to go slow as it will be easier to acclimatize. The Betlemi hut is also called Meteo Station is at 3650 MSL. During the second day, you ascend 650 meters.
Third days is for acclimatization. In most of the case for acclimatization, travelers ascend the Betlemi church located at 3900 MSL. From the church, the trail goes on the right side and ascends 400o MSL. After the acclimatization, ask the guide, to teach you how to use the crampons, the ice axe, how to move when connected to the rope and what to do if you accidentally fall. IN the evening please prepare the necessary amount of water as the water freezes and you will not be able to fill up the reserve before the departure.
Fourth day is for the peak. IN most cases groups leave Betlemi hut at 2 am. The first obstacle is "Khmaura" - the rock, from which stones are falling all the time. On an early morning, this is less threatening because rocks start to fall when the temperature is high and ice starts to melt. After the Khmaura you should put on the crampons and connect to the group by the rope. From this point you ar waling on the glacier and new obstacle – crevasses occur. If you follow the instruction of the guide you will easily overcome this obstacle. Now the path ascends the Plato where new obstacles the wind and the low temperature is against the guest of the Mkinvartsveri. If you will be fortunate to have good weather it might get hot. The path goes around the mountain from the back side and rapidly ascends to the saddle where you can have your last break before the peak. After the saddle the main threat is to fall from the ice. It is crucial to be always tuned and be prepared on every step. In 30 minute you will reach to the peak and you can congratulate members of your team on safe ascend. The descend is also very dangerous and you should do it with caution. You will get back to Betlemi hut around 4 PM.
On an average ascend requires 8 hours and descend - 6 hours, the total distance is 13 km and elevation gain is 1350 meters.
Sometimes groups take one day as the reserve and ascend to peak on the fifth day, if the weather was bad on fourth day. If you were fortunate and ascended the peak on fourth day you will descend to Stephantsminda and get to Gergeti holy trinity church around 4pm.
You can get to Stepantsminda (Kazbeg) with any type of vehicle. You can also use Taxi or public transport from Didube bus station.
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3 ადამიანს (2 კაცი და 1 ქალი) გვინდა მინვარწვერზე ასვლა.
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სალამი, ამ ეტაპზე მიმდინარეობ ფასების კორექტირება. ფასები გვეცოდინება რამოდენიმე დღეში.
მადლობა. კარგით თუ შეიძლება მითითებულ იმეილზე ან ტელეფონის ნომერზე დამიკავშირდეთ როცა გეცოდინებათ ფასები.
მაინტერესებს ეს ყველაფერი რა დაჯდება, რაც მაღლა წერია
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