...The Abudelauri Blue Lake is located in Khevsureti at the top of the gorge of the river ...
...The White Lake of Abudelauri is located in Khevsureti at the top of the gorge of the river Abudel...
...ular crossings from Khevi to Khevsureti, which is the hiking track of Juta-Abudelauri lakes. The route starts in Juta- at one of the highly populated spots (220...
...Colorful lakes of Abudelauri are located at the head of the gorge of the river Abudelauri in Khevsureti...
...• Abudelauri colored lakes (green, blue and white) are glacial lakes in eastern Georgia...
...n majestic mountains!. The route starts in the village of Juta and goes to Abudelauri lakes A Magical, mysterious place, home of Khevsuretian Gods, with a view...
...We are inviting you to our horse riding tour in Juta-Abudelauri lakes. ...
...Join us on a day hike to the colorful Abudelauri Lakes near Roshka village. Our trail will take us through a peaceful mount...
..., adventurers and extremists.NatureMount KazbegJuta MountainsKelitsadi LakeAbudelauri lakesGveleti waterfallsArsha waterfallsKhada waterfallKhorisariTania LakeB...
...The next place will be Abudelauri Lake. We will walk about 1.2 km to get to the place. You will not forget t...
...ablished in 1946 to protect the nature of the lake and its surroundings.3. Abudelauri lakesThe colorful lakes of Abudelauri create a truly thrilling spectacle f...
დუშეთი მცხეთა-მთიანეთის მხარეში მდებარე მუნიციპალიტეტია. არქეოლოგიური აღმოჩენების შედეგად დასტურდება, რომ ადამიანი აქ ჯერ კიდევ ადრეულ ანტიკურ ხანაშ...
Ხევსურეთი სხვა მთის ადგილების მსგავსად (სვანეთი, თუშეთი) იმ იშვიათ ადგილებიდანაა, რომელმაც თვითმყოფადობა, უძველესი კულტურა და წეს-ჩვეულებები დღემდე შე...
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